National Weather Service on Hurricane Harvey: "Beyond Anything Experienced"

Hurricane Harvey Aug 26 2017

When the forecasts on Friday began predicting as much as 50 inches, more than four feet of rain, that could drop on south Texas from Hurricane Harvey, you may have thought like many others.

That probably won’t happen, the forecasters are just erring on the side of caution.

Many who live in south Texas, places like Rockport and Corpus Christi where the Category 4 hurricane hit land, or in places like Houston and surrounding cities, thought the same thing.

You heard people in Texas saying, we’ve been through big storms before and we’ve been through floods before.

But things changed when the damaging winds began to damage and destroy buildings and when flood waters began rising to record setting levels and when the rain kept pouring.

And then on Sunday, the National Weather Service issued its dire warning about what about Hurricane Harvey that had become:  It read:

"This event is unprecedented and all impacts are unknown beyond anything experienced."

Those in the news business who have spent decades reporting on very bad and very dangerous weather events, had never seen a statement quite like that from the National Weather Service.

And now, everyone in south Texas is using words like unprecedented and catastrophic to describe the monster storm named Harvey.  And everyone is also hoping and praying it will soon be over.

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(Photo Getty Images)

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